Charlotte, VT
Working to improve the way we produce and use energy in Charlotte since 2010.
What are Electric Vehicles?
Plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) refer to both all-electric vehicles, which do not use any gasoline at all, and hybrid vehicles, which use gasoline when the electric battery runs low. EVs perform similarly to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, but are simpler and cheaper to maintain. "Refueling" is as simple as plugging into an electrical outlet, which costs the equivalent of about $1.50 per gallon of gas.
EVs increase our energy independence and contribute to healthier air and lower carbon emissions!
Dave Roberts from VEIC presented in Charlotte on EVs. His slides are here:
EV Charging Stations
Drive Electric Vermont provides a map of public charging stations and information on charging etiquette. It also provides information on the many rebates and incentives that come with owning an EV.
Plugshare allows users to filter locations based on their vehicle model, provide feedback, and plan trips through the smartphone app and website.
ChargePoint has a smartphone app which can show real time availability of charging stations on their network.
The CEC and town library won a grant to install a Level 2 charger in the Town Hall parking lot in 2020!
What are Electric Bikes?
Battery powered electric bikes (e-bikes) can expand the range, carrying capacity (children and cargo), hill climbing ease, comfort, and overall utility of biking. Many utility providers offer purchase incentives. Learn more at Drive Electric Vermont and Local Motion.
Charlotte already has one of the highest rates of EV ownership in the State, which is something to be proud of! Wondering if an EV is right for you? Visit Drive Electric Vermont to learn more.